Privacy Policy

Last modification: 03/08/22

Our Privacy Policy

Read this Privacy Policy carefully. By providing information, you agree to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, you cannot use the website.

This Privacy Policy contains:

  1. Preface
  2. About this Privacy Policy
  3. Your rights and preferences
  4. Personal data we collect about you
  5. What we use your personal data for
  6. Who we share your personal data with
  7. Retention and deletion of your personal data
  8. Transfer to other countries
  9. How we protect your personal data
  10. Changes to this Privacy Policy
  11. General conditions and cookies
  12. Links and referrals
  13. How to contact us

1 . Preface

At Ujoose Reviews (hereafter: we or us) we want to be open and transparent towards participants. That is why we have written our Privacy Policy in the clearest possible way. In the Privacy Policy we explain what your rights are, what information we hold about you, with whom we share your information and how we protect your information.

2 . About this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy provides you with information about the processing of your personal data and applies to all of our services and related services. The conditions that apply to participation in a contest / giveaway can be read in our General Conditions, which can be found in the footer of the web page.

We promise to tell you as clearly as possible how we use your data. We will use your information to keep you fully informed, keep your information safe and accessible, and allow you to maintain control of your own information.

Please note that we do not share your contact details and other personal information with other companies for marketing purposes unless we have obtained your explicit permission to do so.

If you would like to send us questions or comments, please read point 13 on how to contact us. If you do not agree with the content of this Privacy Policy, we remind you that you can always choose not to use our services.

3 . Your rights and preferences

Privacy legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation, grants you certain rights with regard to your personal data. We are transparent about our services and are happy to offer you options for determining who has access to your personal data and when. In principle and subject to limitations under applicable law, you have the following rights:

Right to information and access - the right to obtain information about, and access, the personal data we process about you;
Right to rectification - the right to request that we adjust or update your personal information if it is inaccurate or incomplete;
Right to be forgotten - the right to request that we delete your personal data;
Right to restriction of processing - the right to request that we temporarily or permanently cease processing all or part of your personal data;
Right to object:
- Right to object to the use of your personal data due to your specific situation.
- Right to object to direct marketing.
Right to data portability - the right to request a copy of your personal data in electronic form, and the right to transfer that personal data for use in the context of third-party services; and
Right not to be subject to automated decision-making - the right not to be subject to decision-making based only on automated decision-making (i.e. without human perspective), such as profiling, if that decision would lead to legal or other significant consequences for you.
Right to withdraw consent- the right to withdraw your consent for processing at any time; the withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

If you have any questions about your privacy, your rights and how you can exercise them, you can contact us using the contact details provided in point 13 of this Privacy Policy.

If you are concerned about the processing of your personal data by us, we hope for your goodwill to work with us to resolve the issue. However, you also have the right to contact the privacy supervisor competent in our country or your local privacy supervisor to lodge a complaint with them. Please see the details: The Information Commissioners Office; Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF, or call: 0303 123 1113 or online at

If you request information about your personal data, we ask you to include the following information when you contact us:

- Your full name, date of birth and all personal data to which your request refers;
- A description of the information you request, including a date range;
- A copy of your current and valid photo ID (e.g. a passport).

According to relevant law, we are obligated to respond to your request within one month from the date we receive all required information. The request shall be sent to the Compliance Department at While we will do our best to process your request before this deadline, we cannot guarantee that it will always be so. Please note that any missing information will delay your processing request.

4 . Personal data we collect about you

We collect data that you have provided to us when you participate in the competition / giveaway.

If you participate in a competition / giveaway, you provide us with certain information. For example your first and last name, date of birth and your contact details, such as your email address, telephone number and home address. If you provide answers to specific surveys, we will also keep this information.

We also retain some technical data, such as URL data, online identifiers, such as cookie data and IP addresses, and information about the types of devices you use, for example, device identification attributes, your network provider, browser type and operating system. Please note that your data may be used to help improve the performance of our advertising and surveys for future consumers, this will not have any legal or significant effect on you or your data.

5 . What we use your personal data for

Why we use your data ("Purpose of the processing") and a brief explanation

Reason we use your data ("Basis of processing")

To effect your participation in the contest / giveaway

In this case, we use your data to perform the services related to the entry, for example, by saving your data until the prize draw and placing your data in a system that selects the winners.

- Execution of an agreement
- Consent

To be able to contact you

In this case, we use your data to contact you by email, telephone or post, for example if you are the winner of the contest / giveaway.

- Execution of an agreement
- Legitimate interest

To automatically fill in data on third party pages

- Legitimate interest

To comply with legal obligations and requests from investigative authorities

If a data protection authority asks for your data or if we have to defend ourselves against a complaint about your data, for example by showing that you have given permission, we can use your data for this.

- Comply with a legal obligation
- Legitimate interest

To inform you about new contests / giveaways

Because we have a customer relationship with you, we can contact you about new contests / giveaway.

- Justified interest

For marketing and advertising purposes

If you have given consent to parties to contact you by phone, email, SMS, or mail for marketing and advertising purposes, these parties will be Data Controllers with regard to the data you choose to provide to them. You are then subject to the Privacy Policy of these parties. We encourage you to read this Privacy Policy.

If you have given permission for these parties to contact you, we will send your data to these parties.

- Consent
- Justified interest

For marketing and advertising purposes

If you have given us permission to contact you by phone, email, SMS or post for marketing and advertising purposes, we will store this information. We will contact you about products, information, services or special offers in the categories:

- Automotive, such as car manufactures, test drives, servicing
- Charity, such as animal welfare, disaster relief, children’s medical, environmental, elderly, health
- Contracts, such as energy contracts and telecom contracts
- Education, such as online tutoring, personal development, academic camps
- Financial products, such as pensions, loans, credit cards, mortgages, investments and claims management
- Funeral plans, such as arranging and paying for a funeral in advance
- Gaming, such as bingo, lottery, competitions
- Home improvements, such as house moving, insulations, boilers, conservatories, doors & windows, extensions, gardens, solar panels
- Insurance, such as home, car, travel, pet and personal insurance, warranty products
- Leisure, such as food and drink, events, museums and cinemas
- Lifestyle, such as health, fitness, charities, media, leisure, games, legal services, lotteries, competitions, test products, credit rating, gambling and surveys
- Mail orders, such as catalogues and online retailers
- Market research, such as gathering information about consumers’ opinion and preferences
- Media, such as online, television, radio, newspapers, magazines
- Retail, such as fashion, groceries, electrical goods, comparison sites, discounts
- Telecoms, such as landline, mobile phones, broadband, digital TV
- Travel such as holidays, hotels, airlines, bookings, car rental, parking, caravans, holiday homes and tourism
- Utilities, such as gas and electricity switching, other house hold utilities such as water
- Consent
- Justified interest

6 . Who we share your personal data with

Categories of recipients

Reason for sharing

Service providers

We rely on service providers who work on our behalf and who may require access to certain personal data. This includes companies that we use to manage the technical infrastructure we need to provide the services, to help us protect and secure our systems and services, and companies we need to conducting the contest / giveaway, for example, service providers who manage the system by which the winner is selected or when the prize is sent to you.

Investigative authorities and privacy supervisors

We share your personal data when we have a good faith belief that it is necessary to comply with a legal obligation under applicable law, or to comply with a request or order to that effect, valid and authorised, such as a search warrant, a court order or a subpoena. We also share your personal data if we believe in good faith that it is necessary in view of our own legitimate interests or those of a third party in the context of national security, investigative purposes, litigation, criminal investigation, personal security, or to prevent threatened personal injury or death, to the extent that we determine that these interests override your interests or your fundamental rights and freedoms that require the protection of your personal data.

Buyers of our company

We share your personal data with buyers or potential buyers when we negotiate or sell our business. In that case, we will continue to ensure that your personal data remains confidential and will notify you before your personal data is forwarded to the buyer, or before any other Privacy Policy applies to your personal data.

Scientific researchers

We transfer your personal data in the context of activities such as statistical analyses and scientific studies, but only after we have pseudonymised them.

Sponsored (advertisement partners)

If you have given consent to parties to contact you by phone, email, SMS, or mail for marketing and advertising purposes, these parties will be Data Controllers with regard to the data you choose to provide to them. You are then subject to the Privacy Policy of these parties. We encourage you to read this Privacy Policy.

If you have given permission for these parties to contact you, we will share your data with these parties.

When giving your permission, you decide with which parties your data can be shared, whereby you can see for what purpose and with what frequency they will contact you.

7 . Retention and deletion of your personal data

We do not store your personal data longer than 36 months, except for legitimate and essential business purposes (for example, to ensure that the contest / giveaway can be conducted, to make business decisions about new features and offers based on data, to comply with our legal obligations and to resolve disputes).

If you have given consent to parties to contact you by phone, email, SMS, or post for marketing and advertising purposes, these parties will be Independent Data Controllers with regard to the data you choose to provide to them. You are then subject to the Privacy Policy of these parties. We encourage you to read that Privacy Policy.

Here you can find out how we handle your personal data and thus also how long your personal data is stored.

We keep your data for 36 months. If you request so, we will delete or anonymise your personal data before that time, so you can no longer be identified by it, unless we are legally obliged to keep certain personal data longer, such as in the following situations:

- if there is a problem with your participation in the contest / giveaway or with your consent to parties to contact you by phone, email, SMS or post for marketing and advertising purposes, for example to demonstrate that you have given permission;
- if we need to keep personal information to comply with our legal, tax, accounting and audit obligations, we will retain the necessary personal information for as long as necessary under applicable law; and / or
- if retention of personal data is necessary for our legitimate business interests, such as preventing fraud.

8 . Transfer to other countries

Your data is stored in the EU. We transfer your personal data to companies in other countries to carry out the activities listed in this Privacy Policy. We can also forward your personal data or outsource the data processing to third parties in a country other than your own. The privacy legislation that applies to your personal data may therefore differ from that of your own country. The transfer of data to the UK is made on the basis of an adequacy decision between the UK and the EU.

The personal data collected within the EU may be transferred to and processed by third parties in a country outside the EU. In such cases, we ensure that the appropriate safeguards are in place and the transfer of your personal data complies with applicable privacy laws and, in particular, that appropriate contractual, technical and organizational measures are taken, such as the use of standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission.

For more details about the security measures we have taken to protect your personal data, please refer to point 9 of this Privacy Policy. Please contact us to receive the copy of the safeguards.

9 . How we protect your personal data

The security of your personal data is a priority for us. We have taken appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data.

We have implemented a diverse policy of pseudonymisation, encryption, access and retention of data to protect it from unauthorised or unlawful processing, loss, destruction or damage, unauthorised access and unnecessary retention of personal data in our systems.

If your personal data is shared, we require this party to take appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data and we conclude a Processor Agreement if necessary.

10 . Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time.

We will post any new version of this policy on our website.

11 . General conditions and cookies

You can read the conditions that apply to participation in a contest / giveaway in our General Conditions, which you can find at the bottom of the footer of the web page under Conditions.

To fully use the website, your device must accept cookies. Cookies are text files that are downloaded to your device when you visit a website. For example, we use these cookies to ensure that you can participate in the contest / giveaway and to get information about how you have visited and used our web page. You can find more information about our Cookies Policy at the bottom of the web page footer under Cookies.

12 . Links and redirects

Some pages on this web page contain hyperlinks or redirects to websites that are not controlled or managed by us. We remind you that when you access other websites through these hyperlinks, our terms and conditions, such as the Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy, no longer apply. If you click on an ad or a third party link or are referred to another web page, please know that you are leaving the web page and that the terms and conditions no longer apply. To know what conditions these third parties use, we recommend that you read those conditions.

13 . How you can contact us

Thank you for reading this Privacy Policy. Do you have any questions about this Privacy Policy? Contact us by sending an email to, or by sending a letter to the following address:


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